We repeated the same pizza place that we went to last year: excellent pizzas and a very cosy environment. We had a fun time all together.
The ordering was challenging, but we made it!
Thank you, Han, for the beautiful pictures you took to report the event!
Again, we repeated it this year at the same pizza place! Excellent pizzas, cosy environment. We had a wonderful time all together!
It was challenging to order, but we made it!
One year more, we had much fun at the CDN Christmas party. The Theme was Mythology (or Morphology!). All the labs were terrific!
Pictures from Marin and Rico labs: who is who?
We had a lot of fun at the CDN Christmas party. The Theme was Space. All the labs were amazing! We were performing the Horoscope signs.
We had a lot fun at the dinner and after!
One year more, we had a lot of fun in the CDN Christmas party. The Theme was Renaissance. All labs were amazing!
Rico Lab won the "Best group costume prize", Congratulations @ BurroneLab, "Best group performance", @HouartLab "Best wildest interpretation of theme".
Dancing at Revolution
We have a lot of fun cooking together in teams Pasta and Fish with the excellent Chef Victor
At last, after pandemic with could do a proper Lab Retreat where we discussed about science but also had a lot of fun cooking, searching for treasures in Brighton and dancing...
We had to postpone our Christmas party, too much Covid, too close to our travelling to see our dear families...But at Carnival the fun was guaranteed...
CDN teams were competing again for the best sketch at the Christmas party, we had a lot of fun, but hoping to celebrate next Christmas as always with our world-known CDN party.
We had a lot of fun plus some delicious "empanadas argentinas" from Borough Market!
Our strategy is simple: to create a place where the best researchers and most promising students can achieve their full potential.