Beatriz Rico, PhD All my scientific life, I have been interested in understanding how the connections in the brain were made, why is it much easier to learn a motor skill or a language early in life? What happens when any of these precise steps fail during development causing neurodevelopmental disorders? We need to understand first how the brain works for a better design of therapeutical targets and therefore scientific knowledge is the best tool we have to progress and fight any threats. Read more
Research In our day life, animal behaviour relies in a very precise connectivity between neurons in the brain that can be modulated by experience. In the mammalian cortex these connections reach an extraordinary complexity. How are these cortical circuits built? How do they respond to activity and what happens when they fail during development causing neurodevelopmental disorders such as: autism, intellectual disability, schizophrenia and epilepsy are questions that we are currently addressing in the lab. Read more
Congratulations to MJ for the oustanding Wellcome Early Career fellowship! Congratulations to Maria Jose for the outstanding Wellcome Early Career postdoctoral fellowship award. This is a very competitive ... Read More arrow_forward
Beatriz Rico awarded Wellcome Discovery Award While other species have impressive abilities adapted to their unique environments, human cognitive competency remains ... Read More arrow_forward
Congratulations to MJ for the Fundacion Ramon Areces fellowship Congratulations to Maria Jose on having been offered a two-year Fundacion Ramon Areces Fellowship, which will support her studies ... Read More arrow_forward